A marker word is an important part of our positive reinforcement dog training. The marker word is used by us to let a dog or puppy know they are doing exactly what we want at the exact moment they do it.
It bridges the gap between our cue and our reward, which cant always be delivered immediately.

First of all, as a household, we need to choose our marker word.
This should be a single word that is easy to remember, such as 'GOOD' or 'YES'.
A clicker can also be used for the same reason. (Hence the term click and treat).
Once you and any family members who will also be training the dog have agreed on the marker we are going to use, we need to 'charge' our marker.
This is the process of creating an association for the dog that when we say 'GOOD' we are going to be paying out a reward, usually a food treat.
We want to charge the marker initially in a low distraction environment.
We do not need the dog to do anything to begin with. No sit, now down, no paw, no stay. Just be in the room with us.
All we are going to do is simply say the marker word, 'GOOD' and give the dog a treat.
That's it!
We repeat this over and over again.
It is important to leave a small gap between saying 'GOOD' and reaching for the treat to reward.
We want to avoid saying the marker as we get a treat or as we deliver the treat. This will ensure the dog realises it is the word that means a treat is coming and not the arm moving that predicts a reward.
Keep going with this until your dog starts to look at you when you say the marker word, as if to expect the treat.
This can usually achieved in a single session.
Getting 30-40 treats in a row for doing nothing other than hearing 'GOOD' is going to sink in pretty fast for most dogs.
Once we have chosen our marker and charged our marker, we are ready to put it to work.
We have laid the foundations for MARKING and then REWARDING new behaviours we are going to teach.
Its important to remember though, the marker is a promise to your dog a reward will be given (usually this should be in 1-2 seconds). Only use it in your training if you can pay out.
If your not sure if you have a marker, choose and charge one today! Even if you do already use a marker, there is no harm in recharging it to ensure your dog is in no doubt exactly what 'GOOD' means.